My Work

I do software engineering work with a variety of technologies, often data display or analysis oriented. I have worked on many parts of technology stacks for pattern recognition and classification software, as well as doing visualisations, statistical analysis, and managing the systems and environments these tools operate on. This has ranged from servers and embedded systems to cloud applications.
I have written tutorials for some technologies that can also be found on the Howto page. I stay familiar with and use a variety of tools and techniques so that I am able to build useful and interesting things.
Much of my current job involves machine learning natural and language processing, levarging the burgeoning set of language models and techniques for finding, extracting and producing useful information from text.

Mapping data when Possible

Some of my educational background was in Geography and GIS. I am a fan of interesting and engaging maps, and I work that into personal projects when possible. The mapping library I use for several of the displays linked on this site is one I wrote on top of D3 and React: Geomap. I have also written some other general purpose React libraries that are aimed at interactive interfaces and charts My npm libraries.

Keeping active in a variety of ways

You can often find me doing outdoor trips in the capital region of NY. That might include nordic skiing, trail running, snowshoeing, hiking, mountaineering, and road running depending on the season. If it is active and outdoors, there is a good chance I am interested in.
I also am interested in growing native plants and many other aspects of the natural world. I like to tear up boring grass lawn and planting landscapes with much greater richness in life and beauty.